EML Formulas

Easy, powerful and built to transform: EML Elite Mindset Formulas

Sound science is created on fundamental formulas and elements that do not change. Our EML formulas are based on universal truth and are the foundation of an elite mindset. . All of the many subject areas, concepts and tools of Elite Mindset fall under the umbrella of these three EML formulas. You cannot have an Elite Mindset without understanding and subscribing to these three EML formulas.

By building off the three formulas, anything becomes possible.

Formula 1:

Belief + Determination = Success!

  • Belief is trust, faith, or confidence in someone or something, that is not immediately provable.

  • Determination is firmness of purpose and resolution. It is a fixed movement toward an object or end. It is the quality that a person shows when they have decided to do something and will not let anything stop them.

  • Belief sets your limits. You will not exceed your belief. Set it low, and your limits will be low, meaning you will not achieve much. Set it high and your limits will be high. Keep it unlimited and it will be unlimited.

  • Determination determines how bad you want it and what you are willing to do to get it, day after day after day. Low determination results in low achievement. High determination establishes the vision, work ethic, and effort needed to achieve great things. Determination is the foundation of grit, discipline, and effort.

  • Belief without determination is potential without activation. This is often the "super talented" athlete that gives little and doesn't seem to care.

  • Determination without belief is effort with self-imposed limits. This is often the athlete that puts everything into it, but cannot make the breakthrough and falters more the bigger the competition. This is often the great practicer that doesn't perform in competition.

  • When an athlete has both belief and determination their ability to achieve is unlimited and they will do everything they can to achieve.

  • Belief can be coached. Determination is very hard to coach because an aspect of determination is desire and the strongest desire comes from within. Determination can be improved, as long as there is a decent foundation to improve upon. Belief is heavily impacted by developing an Elite Mindset.

Formula 2:

Process over Result

  • All elite mindsets are built on the formula of focusing on Process over Result.

  • Real success takes time.

  • Real success rises from setbacks and failures that are essential catalysts to breakthroughs.

  • You cannot succeed to the highest unless you can sacrifice the now.

  • You cannot succeed to the highest unless you have patience.

  • There are no overnight successes. Overnight successes are built upon days, months, and years of work, trust, and learning.

  • Despite living in a culture that expects immediate gratification, that is a lie. Immediate gratification is weak. The greatest gift in achievement in all you learn along the way to get there. Getting there is secondary.

  • Process over Result also means living in the moment. It means taking care of this second and making this second the best it can be. It means making this step the best it can be, this play, this drill. By making the most of every moment the totality over time is excellence and far better than is possible by focusing on result.

  • Identity and Perspective are also inherent in Process over Result. For most, athletics are measured by wins and losses, times, places, and championships. Those are all great things, but they are not the true value of athletic pursuit. To focus on those things, and to value oneself based on whether those are achieved or not, is to sacrifice the beauty, experience, and gift of athletics.

  • Anyone that wants to be as great as they are capable of being will focus on the Process and let the Result take care of itself.

  • Developing an Elite Mindset will establish a personal philosophy of Process over Result.

Formula 3:

Hero Mentality is Greater than Victim Thinking

  • All Elite Mindsets have a hero mentality.

  • The foundations of a hero mentality are personal accountability, control and responsibility.

  • Heroes take personal responsibility. Victims blames other people or circumstances. By taking personal responsibility, heroes learn and grow. Victims stay where they are because they cannot learn if they believe they never do anything incorrectly.

  • Heroes focus on what they can control, and ignore anything they cannot control. By focusing on what they can control, they empower themselves and expend their focus and talents on the things that produce results. Victims focus on things they cannot control. This could be people, weather, rules, changes, etc. They expend their energy on things that produce nothing, at the expense of the things that would make a world of difference for them and their teams.

  • Heroes control their emotions. Victims let emotions rule them.

  • Heroes are hardy and resilient. Setbacks are expected and planned for. Victims are devastated by setbacks and hardship. They give up easily and complain.

  • Heroes find joy in the challenges. Victims find pain in the challenges.

  • Heroes find solutions for problems. Victims stop when faced with problems.

  • Heroes have high character. They do the right thing all the time, whether anyone is looking or not. Victims take shortcuts, cheat and ignore the right thing.

  • Heroes earn it. Victims feel they are owed it. Victims expect it to be given.

Elite Mindset Reset Challenge

90 day-Challenge

60-day Challenge

30-day Challenge