Elite Mindset Reset Challenge

  • Improve Performance

  • Increase Consistency and performance in the “big game”

  • Grow Enjoyment and Satisfaction

Where the mind goes, the body follows.

100% of athletics is mental. It is not 50% as some say. The mind controls the body, so where the mind is the body goes. If you train the body without training the mind with equal emphasis, you will leave performance on the table, you will be less consistent in your performance, you are more likely to struggle in the big game, and you will usually experience more stress and frustration and less joy.

You must train your mind! You must have an Elite Mindset to be your best!

Maximize your physical investment by training your mind to take your body where you want it to go!

Space is limited so schedule your free consultation today!

Elite Mindset Reset for Athletes and High Performers

A full Immersion program for elite and professional athletes to build lifelong mental toughness habits & skills. This program establishes the most thorough and lasting skills.

This is a special program for High School and College student-athletes (Ages 14-22) who need the mindset basics for next level performance, despite living complex schedules.

Do you need help NOW!!!??? This is an in-season "emergency" program built to immediately address and implement concepts and skills that will see quick results.

Elite Mindset Reset Outcomes

Elite Mindset Reset outcomes are just the tip of the iceberg. Sports and high performance can be rewarding and also very challenging. These are our top outcome expectations from Elite Mindset development. These outcomes will radically change your athletic results and experience.

Increase Performance & Consistency

Performance in the Big Games


Enjoy Sport More

Elite Mindset Reset Formulas

Our Elite Mindset Reset Challenges are built on our three universal formulas for success. EML Formulas are simple in concept and transformational in practice. Through unique experiences, tools, routines, and positive habits, the Elite Mindset Reset methodology trains your mind, actions, and game-day preparation through unique tools, strategies, and ongoing feedback from your coach.

Hourly 1:1 Coaching

We also offer hourly coaching for those times you need a fresh approach, strategies, sounding board, and fresh perspective.